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Joliet Jewish Congregation
Medley--Hinei Mah Tovus, Yism'chu, Mah YCantor Tobacman
00:00 / 04:19
JJC Green Team

Did you know that
Monarch moms lay their eggs only on the leaves of milkweed plants?
Help populate the earth with monarch plants so that monarchs have places to lay their eggs.
Order your non-invasive* milkweed seeds
to plant in your garden.
* Non-invasive plant: a plant that will not spread & choke out other plants in the area
Send $3.00 & a stamped self-addressed envelope to:
Save the Monarchs
689 Golf Club Lane
Frankfort, IL 60423
YOU can help save the Monarchs

Led by Toby Rohowsky, JJC Green Team Leader, the students engaged in an interactive session of what it means "to go Green." Next they were introduced to what they could do to help save the monarch butterflies. The session ended with the students going outside to sow non-invasive milkweed seeds in a sunny area outside of the synagogue. They learned that monarch mom's only lay their eggs on milkweed, so planting milkweed is an important step for helping to save the monarch butterflies.
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